Wow! So many changes have happened on Instagram in the past few months that I thought it was best to put them all in one place for you. Here is my quick list of the 9 Instagram updates (so far) in 2016…


Instagram Updates in 2016!


Instagram Update #1:

Did you know your videos can be up to 60 seconds instead of 15? Instagram said they made the change since the time people spent watching video increased by more than 40% this year. Now we all have a little more time to tell our stories. 


Instagram Update #2:

You can now find out your number of video views! Instead of number of likes it now says ‘Number of views’ under your video. 

Instagrm updates- video views


Instagram Update #3:

Have more than 1 Instagram account? Now you can easily switch back and forth between them with out having to sign in and out each time. You can add up to 6 accounts your phone (which I’m sure will be adequate enough for 99% of the population).

switch between Instagram accounts


Instagram Update #4:

You can now create a new account on Desktop. Although this will not affect most actors, it does affect businesses. I help clients open new accounts all the time and now it can be done on desktop and not exclusively on their phone or tablet.

Sign up for instagram on desktop


Instagram Update #5:

Instagram just recently added a few big changes to it’s very simple desktop version that pretty much allow you to do everything except post pictures (maybe that will happen later this year!). By clicking on the heart speak bubble you can now see your latest comments, likes and follows all from desktop.

Comments likes followers instagram update


Instagram Update #6:

The next change on Desktop is the ‘Discover People’ feature. Look for the little compass to the right of the search bar. Clicking on the compass will give you a  list of Instagram accounts to follow. It’s like the Twitter suggestion button and can be very helpful tool for growing your following with like-minded people.

instagram update discover people


Instagram Update #7:

Instagram is now dating your posts. Up until recently, older posts used to say 3 weeks ago or 10 weeks ago in the top right corner but now the actual date is listed at the very bottom of the comments…

Instagrm updates- video views


Instagram Update #8:

Instagram in May 2016 just unveiled a new logo…

new instagram logo

and a new, updated look. I’ll let them tell you about the new design….


Instagram Update #9:

This is the BIGGIE! The Algorithm! Instagram is owned by Facebook so this is no big surprise to most of us. Apparently  we will be seeing our closest friends content more often. We will see. Here was Instagram’s first announcement about the change…

moments you care about first


So there you have it! Nine Instagram updates (so far) for 2016! 


[bctt tweet=” Just discovered the 9 must know #Instagram Updates. Check them out here…” username=”Marketing4Actor”]



Until soon, 


Heidi Dean


Social Media Marketing for Actors Made Easy!

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