June is Audiobook Month! Yay #JIAM – Here are 35 post ideas for audiobook narrators to use across social media this month (all year)!

(Many of them are fantastic for voice actors too! If that’s you…keep reading!)

These ideas fit into my 10 Post categories that are awesome for Audiobook Narrators:

  1. Audiobook releases
  2. Behind-the-scenes
  3. Beyond the booth
  4. Share your talents
  5. Motivate us
  6. Reviews and Testimonials
  7. Teach us something
  8. Fun Facts
  9. Awards and Nominations 
  10. Shoutouts, Community and Collaborations

Let’s start with #1…

POST CATEGORY: Audiobook Releases

(Many of the 35 posts on this can be used for Audiobook Releases and of course you can share the ‘official release’ artwork if given some)

-Read a tiny section from your latest release (bonus points if we see you in the booth).

-Share a favorite quote from your new release.

-Create an Audiogram with a short sample from your recent project like this:

My favorite apps to create these posts are Headliner and Wavve.

POST CATEGORY: Behind-the-Scenes

-Share a behind-the-scenes look at your recording setup, process, or booth.

-Tools of the Trade: Show us your favorite mic, workstation, pop filter, shock mount, headphones, etc. This can be a series where you show us one piece of equipment at a time. This type of post is behind-the-scenes, educational AND shows us you have the equipment needed to do the job.

-Favorite tongue twister or warm-up to get you ready to record (If you’re using TikTok or Reels encourage us to duet or remix the video)

-Show us your favorite pre-recording snack or booth beverage. OR tell us what foods/drinks are off limits for recording. 

-Share a booth blooper (or use the Instagram Reels Carousel feature to share a ‘montage’ of bloopers back-to-back. Not sure how to do this? We should talk!)

-How do you listen to audiobooks? In the car? Walking? Cooking? Let us know! On TikTok…You could also create a video that someone could stitch with this question. Not sure how to create a stitch (or not sure where to even begin on TikTok)? This TikTok Class in the Tech Savvy Actors will show you:

-Share a BTS tip for how you keep your voice healthy. This can be a steamer, favorite lozenge, your epic water bottle, etc.

POST CATEGORY: Beyond-the-Booth

(This category requires an entire workshop! But this question will get you started…)

-How do you feed your soul outside of the booth? You need to give us something to connect with beyond the projects you’re a part of! 

At the heart of every human is a desire to connect. What part of YOUR story will we connect with?

This can be family, faith, a hobby, a value, etc. It can even be a genre or a common theme of the books you narrate. If this sounds scary, just know that you don’t have to put your whole life online (and you shouldn’t! But you should leave some part of your story for us to connect to outside of being in the booth).

POST CATEGORY: Share Your Talents

-Share a special skill you use while narrating: Maybe you speak different languages or you’re awesome with accents! Show us! 

-Read a short passage from a book (in the public domain) that you’d love to narrate. Be sure to caption the video so we can see the text as you read it. Not sure how to add captions? Watch this video on my Youtube channel:


-Talk about your WHY! Why do you narrate books? How did you get started? What have you learned along the way? 

-Share a Motivational quote (and please use your voice if you do this one in a video). Not sure how to create a post like this? Join me in Tech Savvy Actors in our next Q & A call and I’ll show you! OR you can book a session with me here

-Gratitude post: Who in your life supports you and keeps you motivated? You partner, kids, a best friend. Depending on your pre-chosen ‘social media boundaries’ (and YES! You should know what these are) you don’t have to show this person in a photo or video. You can just talk about them or share a photo that expresses your gratitude and happiness. 

-Post a quote from an audiobook you’ve worked on that resonates with you.

-Advice you’d give a narrator just starting out (Just starting out? Skip this post or share a piece of advice from your favorite narrator). 

POST CATEGORY: Reviews & Testimonials

-Did someone post a review about your narration? Share it in a post! Bonus points if you use my favorite tool Canva to make it look cool! Want help using Canva? This workshop in the Tech Savvy Actors will show you how to use it step-by-step:

POST CATEGORY: Teach us something!

-Debunk a common myth/misconception about audiobook narration.

Is there a term that most ‘regular’ people might not know about audiobooks? (That was a rhetorical question because there are sooo many. The average ‘muggle’ knows nothing about your world. Just start with ‘pick-ups’). If this does well for you- it can become a series. 

Teach a timesaving hack related to audiobook narration.

-You deal with a lot of tech…so teach a tech hack for a common activity you do everyday (Example: command/control “T” opens the last closed tab on your internet browser). You’re welcome! ?

POST CATEGORY: Fun Facts/Relatable Posts

How many books have you narrated? Let us know! If it’s a lot and you want a fun idea for IG Reels? Use the audio on my post below but change it to: ‘How many books have I narrated?’ Just scan the QR Code below to view the post:

-Share your favorite genre to narrate.

Fun Facts About You Post: One will be that you’re an audiobook narrator but include some other things to help us get to know you better!

Who are your favorite authors (dead or alive)? When are their birthdays, dates their major works were published or milestones for them! This is content!! 

What people think you do as an audiobook narrator (versus what you really do). This can be silly if that’s your vibe.

-Using IG reels or Tiktok? Use a fun trending audio that helps us understand your #narratorlife. Need help with this? The Tech Savvy Actor Community will show you how (you get trends every month)! 

POST CATEGORY: Awards and Nominations:

-Nominated or won an award? Share photos and videos from the event.

PRO TIP: Get in the habit of shooting all of your photos and videos vertically! They are much easier to use on social media and look better/bigger in the feed.

-Use the Greenscreen Feature (on Instagram Reels or TikTok) to reveal a recent award or anything that ends up in the news! Need help with this? Watch this video on my YouTube (and this video of mine at the QR Code below as an example for the reveal:

POST CATEGORY: Shoutouts, Community and Collaborations:

-Shoutout a coach, favorite narrator or an author you’d love to work with!

-Sharing is caring! Share another narrator’s ‘book release post’ to your Stories!  

-Ask your followers for recommendations on books they’d like to see you narrate in the future.

Host a Q and A session where your followers can ask you anything about audiobook narration. (Bonus points if you go live with a narrator friend- this will help you grow your audience)


Set your Google Alerts for publishers, authors, ‘your name’ or fellow narrators you love- then you’ll always be sent articles/press when they are in the news. This is content to talk about or share! 

Whew! There you have it- 35 social media post ideas specific to audiobook narrators (+ 2 BONUS Pro Tips).

If you need my help creating any of these posts you have 2 options:

  1. Join me in the Tech Savvy Actor Community for social media trainings + Q & A calls with me (there are a ton of audiobook narrators in our community!)
  2. Book a one-on-one session with me right here and we can create a posting strategy together!

Happy posting,