agent cover letters

Do you need an agent? What’s your strategy… postcards? Snail Mail? Why not write an email agent cover letter instead?

Before we get started….

Make sure the agent accepts email submissions! Sounds obvious but you won’t make a good first impression if they only accept submissions by mail. 

Whether you’re writing a traditional or an email agent cover letter you want to KEEP IT SHORT n’ SWEET & DELICIOUS (around 5 sentences)!

keep your agent cover letter short...simple... and delicious!

Here’s how that breaks down…


PART 1 ...


This first sentence is where you need to tell them the common denominator between the 2 of you! Do you have any mutual friends (check this out on social media) or a referral? Where have your paths crossed? Film festivals? SAG event? Workshop? If you absolutely don't have this then skip to Part 2....


PART 2 ...


Did you just get an exciting new credit on your resume? Maybe you just shot verizon commercial, starred in NYMF show, or maybe you got callbacks for 2 major tv shows recently! 

You can also mention...

A new award or nomination for a performance or even a new class you are taking if it is with a respected teacher


PART 3 ....


If you're thinking "My call to what?" Don't worry.... A call-to-action is where you ask them to do what you want them to do!



*Watch your reel!

*Set up a meeting!

*Go to your website!

*Attend your show!


Whatever you do DON'T ATTACH ANYTHING TO THE EMAIL! Always add a link! 


  1. You want to make it easy for them to look at your stuff. And chances are if you make them take an extra step they won't.
  2. Attaching files increase the chance of your email going to spam. I'm assuming you want your email read, right?
  3. It can take a while to download files (esp a reel or a large photo).

Even better add a link that takes them to your media on YOUR WEBSITE not to Youtube! If you've done a good job on your letter and they click through to see your media you want them on your real estate so they can find out more about you (not youtube's suggestion for other videos to watch). 


PART 4...

Tell them WHEN & HOW you will Follow-Up!

EX: "I will email you in 5 days to make sure you'e received my email and set up a time to meet!"


PART 5...


All my best,

Your name


BONUS POINTS: Create your own email signature with links to your website and social media icons.


PART 6...


The title of your email is what will catch their eye and get them to open your email. This can be the names of your referral/mutual friend or your career update! Whatever you do make it sound irresistible so they have to open your email!



Hate wondering if someone opened your email? Download something like Sidekick (by Hubspot) so you can see whether or not the email has been opened. This will help you know how to properly follow-up!


Try these tips out for your next mailing. AND REMEMBER....


Keep it short! Keep it simple! Keep it professional!


Let me know how your next agent cover letter goes in the comments below! I'd love to hear about it!


[bctt tweet="Just discovered how to write an awesome cover letter for #actors" username="Marketing4Actor"]


Until soon,   


.   Heidi Dean


"Social media marketing for actors made easy!"