We’ve all experienced it. Social media writer’s block. You have your phone in hand, your fingers ready, you stare blankly at the screen and freeze. You have no clue what to post on social media. Coming up with new ideas to post for your acting career can be challenging. I get it!
But you’re not alone! The good news is this writer’s block is completely curable. My clients, ranging from Emmy-award winners to total beginners, all once struggled with what to post. They beat it and so can you!
Before you post another cat picture, let’s learn from them! These new social media rockstars create posts that do three things: invite, inform and inspire!
Rockstar posts always invite!
Social rookies treat their social media like a television. They constantly broadcast messages out to the world that are all about them. “Look at my site! Check out my reel!” On the flip side, Social Rockstars, use social media like a telephone. They invite conversations. Before you send your next tweet, think about how you can engage your followers by asking them questions, providing them with fun facts, trivia, or a twitter poll.
This doesn’t just apply to your tweets and posts. Even your video content on social media should be more like a conversation. The best live streams, engage their audience by inviting questions and comments. They don’t just broadcast! Don’t forget. It’s called Social Media. So be sure you invite people to your party!
Rockstar posts inform!
Social media rockstars inform by reposting and sharing other people’s content. Post a video you watched on Youtube, an interesting article you just read, or share someone else’s post. By sharing information with your fans and followers, you give them a window into what you’re passionate about.
Don’t limit yourself to sharing things that are acting-related. Inform your fans by sharing content that revolves around your other hobbies, interests, and values. Because you don’t have to create it, sharing content is the fastest and simplest cure for social media writer’s block!
Lastly, rockstar posts inspire!
Inspirational quotes are the most shared posts on social media. Why? Because they are relatable and they inspire and motivate people to get through their day. You can share quote images or turn the camera on yourself. Was it a long week on set or is it show 8 of an 8-show week? Why not tell your friends and fans what inspired you to get through your week? You can also motivate your fellow actors by sharing career milestones or unforgettable experiences working with inspiring directors, writers or actors.
If you always make your posts a dialogue by inviting, informing and inspiring, you’ll find your social media writer’s block will disappear. Another wonderful side effect is: you’ll never have to worry about sounding self-interested or promotional on social media again (amazing, right?).
So become a Social Media Rockstar! Invite, inform, inspire then repeat, repeat, repeat!
Want to stop stressing about your posting for good?
Join me in POST LIKE A BOSS where you'll learn what to post, how to post it and when to post it. You'll create a complete monthly posting schedule (that you can use again and again) PLUS I give you hundreds of post ideas that'll help you get more eyes on your accounts. Registration is now open....
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Originally published on Backstage