Before you send your next tweet try my 5 easy ways to use social media for actors to network and build relationships!
1. Answer Questions!
When someone asks a question on twitter, facebook or any platform. Answer it! You will get on their radar as an engaged member, fan or colleague. OR Ask questions on your platforms to start conversations with other industry professionals. If you are on twitter, be sure to use #hashtags that might invite people other than your followers to join your conversation.
2. Follow people! Join the party!
Think of social media (esp twitter) as a HUGE party where you don’t know anyone. How will you meet people? By talking to them. You must engage them (follow them/friend them). Don’t wait for them to approach you! Use #Hashtags on twitter (Find out how here) & instagram to find interesting conversations to join. Back to the party analogy… Two people are talking at this party about a #hashtag. By using the same #hashtag you are essentially squeezing in between them and saying hey let’s talk! Discover different #hashtags that industry peeps are using (casting directors, directors, agents, successful actors) and if you have something to add to what they are saying- Join the conversation! Make a contact! Social media exposes you to industry professionals without you having to get an appointment in their office. Take advantage of this!
3. Re-tweet!
Re-tweeting is the best way to say “I like you!” or “I love what you are doing!” Done repeatedly, this is another wonderful way to get on someone’s radar.
4. Check your notifications/messages often!
Why? You want to respond to anyone who replies/comments on your post or tweets in a timely fashion. Also don’t forget to thank people for retweets or shares. It is another chance to start a conversation.
5. Do your research!
Find out more about your followers/friends or industry influencers on social media. Read their profiles, visit their websites, & read their blogs. Comment on their blogs! So many casting directors have blogs nowadays- make yourself known to them by reading them, commenting, or asking questions. Just be sure your thoughts are insightful and tasteful- remember this is a professional relationship.
Who will you engage with this week on social media? Make a list of people, blogs, etc and join the party! Let me know who you meet and where it takes you!
[bctt tweet=”Just discovered the 5 EASY Ways #Actors Can Use Social Media!” username=”Marketing4Actor”]
See you on Social,