One of the biggest questions actors ask me is “should I post about politics on social media?” ?

I'm sure you've wondered the same thing. The answer depends on who you are.
Today it’s quite possible that, before you ever meet someone in person, you’ll make your first impression online.
If you're an actor/comedian or a political satirist then it might be strange if you didn't join in the political conversation. On the flip side, if I do a Google search to find out more about you before I hire you and I discover your Twitter account is full of angry comments about the things you don't like in politics... will you book that job?
Your posts are a direct reflection of who you are and the kind of person you'll be to work with on set or in rehearsal. What do your angry political posts say about you?
Not everyone in this business has the same political views as you. So just know that if you speak up about certain issues you may turn some off some people who could hire you.
When you start booking larger roles you're part of a team for that show that includes the producers, the network and the advertisers they answer to. You'll also have fans who love you, but who may not share your political views. Sophie Turner from Game of Thrones is the perfect example of this. She said in a recent interview in Porter Magazine "I was a 15-year-old girl writing rash political stuff that would get a negative reaction and my team would tell me to take it down. Now I am learning to keep my mouth shut."
My mom was a first grade teacher for over 30 years. Everyday she would have her students repeat after her:
"What you put out comes back to you."
This is true in everything in life and especially on social media. If you spread negativity on social media you attract negativity. If you spread positivity you will attract positive people.
I'm not saying you need to go all Betty-Crocker on social- you need to be YOU! And I'm definitely not telling you not to express yourself - I'm simply suggesting you adjust your approach. If you're using your social media accounts for your acting career and decide to hop on a controversial subject (like politics), try to...
Tweet about what you’re FOR instead of what you’re against.

Then you can still use your voice, without being negative. Remember: You are what you tweet!
Always think before you tweet.
See you on social!
Originally published on Backstage
5 replies to "Should Actors Post About Politics?"
Thanks Ken!
Excellent commentary Heidi.
This is so good! i needed this! i have views i don’t post on my paging page i have my other page that is more view content! i ever lash out on it but it does say how ii am not of some of the content that some put out! but you for sure never compromise yourself for anyone. i am glade that i am making my own films and building my own support group!
You’re welcome Lydia!
Very informative and thought provoking. Thank you!