Social Rockstar Challenge


1) Shoot a short video (90 seconds max) that includes these 2 things:

-“I’m [insert full name here] and I’m a social rockstar”

-Tell me what you're most excited to learn in the Social Rockstar Challenge (if you need a refresher, scroll down to read about the 21 days of rockstar training).

2) Upload your video to YouTube with the title “Social Rockstar Challenge.” Be sure to make your video public, so I can view it.

3) Fill out your full name and email by hitting the blue "APPLY NOW" button below (so I can contact you if you win).

Apply Now!

Please fill out your full name and email to be entered into the scholarship contest!

(Let me know the BEST email to contact you with the good news)

By submitting a video, you grant Heidi Dean and Marketing4Actors the right and license to use, distribute, transmit, and reference the Video Content for promotional and marketing purposes. All videos submitted must be public and will be added to our Social Rockstar Challenge scholarship YouTube and Facebook playlists.

Your video will be evaluated on the following criteria:

★ Following instructions correctly.

★ Thoughtful and creative answers to the question.

★ Videos will NOT be judged on professional quality. Shooting it on your phone is totally cool!!

The 3 FULL SCHOLARSHIP winners will be announced on January 3rd, 2018 in the Social Savvy Actor Facebook Group.

The deadline to enter is January 1st, so get started!

Apply Now!

Please fill out your full name and email to be entered into the scholarship contest!

(Let me know the BEST email to contact you with the good news)

By submitting a video, you grant Heidi Dean and Marketing4Actors the right and license to use, distribute, transmit, and reference the Video Content for promotional and marketing purposes. All videos submitted must be public and will be added to our Social Rockstar Challenge scholarship YouTube and Facebook playlists.


This stuff makes my lawyer happy…

By submitting a video, you grant Heidi Dean and Marketing4Actors the right and license to use, distribute, transmit, and reference the Video Content for promotional and marketing purposes. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.


Over the next 21 days you'll create a Social Media presence that brings in more auditions and creates connections with industry professionals you want to know in less than 10 minutes a day!

Social Rockstar Challenge


  • You don't book consistently, so it's hard to know what to say on social media.
  • You don't know how to connect with the people who can hire you.
  • The only people who follow you are your mom and your crazy Aunt Karen.
  • Social media is overwhelming plus it changes all the time so it's hard to stay up-to-date.
  • And you don't have the time to figure it all out.


"Honestly, I am not a social media person. I am not a selfie person. But I knew that as an actor, if I wanted to really take control of my career and build my audience and brand, then I'd have to do it myself. Heidi helped me ensure that everything I post online would be an honest extension of myself. She gave me amazing in-depth guidance about the best tools and strategies to use to optimize my efforts. I highly recommend her expertise for any actor that really wants to take control of their career."


My 21-Day Social Rockstar Challenge removes all of the hurdles you face on social media for your #Actorslife. This proven system will help you….

  • Always know what to post (even if you don't have a gig!)
  • Bring in more auditions, meetings and connections!
  • Become known and trusted by industry decision makers!
  • Build a real following of people who care about your projects!
  • Stop wasting time and spinning your wheels- You can accomplish all of this in less than 10 minutes a day!


I'm Heidi Dean and I used to hate social media.

No joke! This emoji-loving, regramming #TwitterAddict used to think social media was a waste of time. I thought hashtags were silly and I didn't see how it could help anyone's professional career.

Fast forward 7 years…

I'm the industry’s top social media expert for actors, an Expert writer for Backstage and the founder of Marketing4Actors. I've seen firsthand how social media can skyrocket your career.  I’ve built followings, created strategies and run social media accounts for Broadway Stars, Emmy Award-winners,  musicians, directors, producers, filmmakers and actors just like you.

I hang out on social media all day (it's my job!) and I hate seeing actors making the same mistakes I did when I first started on social.

I created The Social Rockstar Challenge to help you leverage the power of social media to open more doors for your acting career.

Sheila started her social from scratch! Here's what happened...

"I literally didn't even know what Twitter was before meeting Heidi. She helped me create a brand that was professional but also true to myself.  I started with about 20 followers. Now, I'm nearing 5,000 on Twitter and 8,000 on Instagram and it just keeps on growing! I can't thank her enough for her fantastic, simple approach to social media!"

From Social Media Rookie to Rockstar in just 21 Days!



Brian e Neil

The Social Rockstar Challenge is an amazing program to be a part of! Within just the first 2 weeks, I have received more traffic to my social media accounts than ever before and have made A LOT more connections. One of those connections helped me book a stunt gig for an upcoming feature film!! This is a challenge you don’t want to miss!!

Philip Hernandez

"Technology is not my friend. It has always been frustrating and social media was definitely confusing until Heidi talked me into getting on Twitter and Instagram. The past year and a half have been amazing! I have completely embraced social media and, as a result, I've booked much more work and grown a real, engaged audience of over 50,000! I could never have done that without Heidi!"

Amy Russ

My mind is blown! There is so much value jam-packed into this course. From the posting ideas and hashtag shortcuts, to finally understanding how to connect with people I want to know on social media. I am super excited to finally get a solid handle on how to take advantage of social media in an effective and efficient way. If you want to learn how to rock your social media presence, I can't recommend the Challenge highly enough.


Make a Strong 1st Impression!

Did you know you only have 2 seconds to make a first impression on social media? This first connection is crucial! Don't worry... I've got your back! In WEEK 1 we'll....

  • Pinpoint the unique rockstar qualities that make you different from every other actor out there!
  • We'll identify the best social media platforms for your goals and #actorslife so you don't have to be everywhere!
  • Create original bios tailored to each platform that automatically attract more followers!
  • Design rockstar header photos that increase your fanbase (no design experience needed...I promise)!
  • Stop wasting time on social media and create a social schedule that helps you easily reach your goals.

Always know what to post!

(even when you don't have a gig!)

Regardless of the platform you'll be posting with Rockstar confidence because....

  • Know exactly what to post when you’ve #bookedit! I’ll share 30 posting ideas to take you from the initial #Audition to the #ThrowbackThursday post 2 years later.
  • Never worry about what to post between bookings because you’ll have 35 MORE posting ideas to carry you through.
  • Learn how to use hashtags the RIGHT way on Twitter and Instagram to grow your following and attract the people you want to know. (I'll also give you my Hashtag Guide for Actors with 100+ hashtags specific to the industry).
  • Know how to create the ‘Perfect Post’ on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat that will get shares and likes!
  • Discover the secrets of successful Live Tweeting. I’ll show you the 10 Pro Tips to live Tweet like a Rockstar.
  • Learn my savvy, secret, social strategies to find more auditions, get direct offers and even land representation thanks to the power of social media!

Connect directly with the people who can hire you.

Social media is an amazing tool for networking and building relationships with directors, writers, casting directors, producers and actors you’d never have access to offline….BUT you have to know how to use it correctly. In WEEK 3 we'll go deep into...

  • What NOT to do on social media, and why (If you get this wrong you could be blocked or unfollowed)
  • How to maintain “top-of-mind” awareness with the people you already know in the business. More connections = more auditions = more jobs!
  • How to stand out from all the noise on social media and get noticed by the people you want to work with.
  • The best way to target your dream project (with or without an agent)!
  • The Pro Social Media Timesavers you can’t live without (these save me countless hours every week)!
  • How to systematically apply everything I teach you to rock your social media in less than 10 minutes every day. (Yup… read that right) so you have more time to do what you love…. ACT!

And to make sure you REALLY do feel supported and guided every step of the way, you'll get lifetime access to the Social Rockstar Challenge.


BONUS Webclass: Followers in 5!

If you want to increase your visibility,  influence, castability and your reputation, you must build a strong audience. I’ll walk you through my proven ‘Followers in 5’ strategy that will teach you the 5 BEST strategies on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat (that’s 25 total strategies!) to grow an audience for your career! This is not a ‘get followers fast’ scheme.  It’s a strategic process to attract the RIGHT people.

Private, Members-Only Facebook Group!

While the Social Rockstar Challenge DOES takes you by the hand and lead you every step of the way, there’s something special about engaging with other actors who have chosen the same path.

Your daily dip into this Facebook group will soon be some of the most inspiring moments of your day as you:

✭ Tap into a thriving community of actors for new ideas, insights and inspiration.

✭ Get direct access to me! I’ll host 3 Q & A sessions to answer your questions and quickly troubleshoot any little (or big) challenges standing in your way.

✭ Get an extra set of eyes on your progress from fellow actors who are in the trenches with you.

✭ Invite your new friends to join you on your social media platforms... Gotta love #ActorsHelpingActors!

BONUS: Intro to Social Media Series!

You can’t implement a successful Social media strategy if you don't know the basics! My (4-Video) Intro to Social Media Series will take you from sign up to set-up on Twitter, Instagram (including InstaStories), Snapchat and Facebook! This BONUS will give you the foundation you need to totally rock the challenge!

BONUS: Twitter AND Instagram Lists for 1000+ Casting Directors, Agents, Producers, Directors and Filmmakers!

I've created a comprehensive collection of Twitter AND Instagram usernames for over 1000 industry professionals in LA, NY, regionally and internationally! These guides will save you tons of time and help you get on the radar of the people you WANT to know!

BONUS GUIDE:  Facebook Groups for Actors!

Facebook groups are a fantastic place to meet like-minded people in the business! But it can be really time consuming to sift through them all. So, I've compiled 180+ Facebook Groups for Actors to make it easy for you to find fellow actors, directors, even audition listings!

Social Media Icebreakers!

(Available for the first 25 students)

If you’re tired of hearing crickets on social media, this guide containing 400+ fun questions to ask your Fans & Followers will help break the ice and start conversations in no time! This guide will make sure you never have to waste a minute figuring out what to say on social media again.


⭐️  3 Weeks of Rockstar Social Media Training for Actors!

Each week is filled with step-by-step video lessons, checklists, and worksheets that are easy to follow, so that you can quickly implement everything you’ve learned. Expect to spend 3-4 hours each week (approx 30 minutes per day) watching the trainings and doing the work.

⭐️  Private, Members-Only Facebook Group

The Social Rockstar Challenge Facebook Group is where you get direct access to me! I’ll host 3 Q & A sessions to answer your questions and quickly troubleshoot any little (or big) challenges standing in your way. It's also a fantastic place to tap into a thriving community of actors for new ideas, insights and inspiration.

⭐️  BONUS Webclass: Followers in 5!

Building an audience one of the BEST ways to take charge of your career! In this bonus, I reveal my  ‘Followers in 5 Strategy’ that will teach you the 5 BEST audience-building strategies on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat (that’s 25 strategies total)!

⭐️  BONUS: Intro to Social Media Series!

This 4-Video Series will take you from sign-up to set-up on Twitter, Instagram (including InstaStories), Snapchat and Facebook so you’re up to speed and ready to rock the challenge!

⭐️  BONUS: Twitter AND Instagram Lists for 1000+ Casting Directors, Agents, Producers, Directors and Filmmakers!

I've created a comprehensive collection of Twitter AND Instagram usernames for over 1000 industry professionals in LA, NY, regionally and internationally! These guides will save you tons of time and help you get on the radar of the people you WANT to know!

⭐️  BONUS Guide: Facebook Groups for Actors!

Facebook groups are a fantastic place to meet like-minded people in the business! But it can be really time consuming to sift through them all. I've compiled almost 180+ Facebook Groups for Actors to make it easy for you find fellow actors, directors, even audition listings!

⭐️  BONUS: Casting Director Website Guide!

This research guide has over 200 Website/Blog addresses for Casting Directors (NY, LA, regional and international) to jumpstart your research and accelerate your relationship building.

⭐️  FAST ACTION BONUS:  Social Media Icebreakers!

(Available to the first 25 students that enroll!)

Social Media Icebreakers contains over 400 fun questions to ask your Fans & Followers that will help break the ice and start conversations in no time! This guide will make sure you never have to waste a minute figuring out what to say on social media again.


Chrystee Pharris

Thanks to the challenge I don't dread posting anymore. I'm actually excited and inspired to post! AND I don't feel overwhelmed to respond back to people now that I have a schedule of when to do it. I know how important social media is when it comes to being on a show. I was a lead in a TV movie but it didn't matter. They didn't use me as much in the PR for the show because I didn’t have the followers. I learned my lesson. I'm on it now with confidence thanks to the Challenge. Thank you so much Heidi.

Heather Hiatt

Heidi’s Social Rockstar Challenge has completely blown me away! Before the challenge, social media felt overwhelming and I had no idea what an incredible tool it could be in my acting career.  Every lesson was filled with tips, tools and secrets, and laid out in bite-sized chunks that even I, as a (prior) social media novice, could wrap my head around.  I am now empowered with what, when, why and how to post, and my network is growing!  I can't recommend this course highly enough-- for actors or for anyone who wants to build a following for their business.  It works!!! Thank you Heidi!

Quincy Grace

Since taking the Challenge we’ve increased Quincy's Twitter followers and industry connections and her Instagram, has really taken off! I can't speak highly enough of this course.  But don't take my word for it, take Quincy's 12 year old word for it:

"I'm not going to lie, I thought I knew EVERYTHING about Instagram and how to get people to follow me, notice me, and  help my manager get my name and face out to the right people. Guess what, I don't know everything, and Heidi does. This is the best thing my mom has ever done."  

Thank you Heidi!! You are the real deal and a game changer!!


THE 21-DAY SOCIAL ROCKSTAR CHALLENGE comes with a money-back guarantee. You have 10 full days to dive into the Challenge risk free. If you decide this program is not for you, I'll give you your money back - no questions asked. Yep, not only is this program a colossal value, it’s RISK FREE.

The Challenge is PERFECT for YOU if you...

  • Are serious about taking your career to the next level.
  • Question whether or not you’re using social to it’s fullest potential. Maybe you’re on it, but it’s not producing results.
  • Realize social media is something you need to learn but you don't know where to start.
  • Can't seem to figure out what to post.
  • Feel comfortable with technology or trust your ability to learn what you don’t know.
  • Would love to Rock your social in less than 10 minutes a day!

Do NOT take the Challenge if you...

  • Expect an overnight-success-red-carpet-solution!
  • Hate technology and aren't willing to open your mind to discover its amazing opportunities for your career.
  • You're a dabbler and aren't actually willing to do the work it takes to be successful.
  • Prefer to just wait for the phone to ring and hope for the best.
Ben Jacob

Heidi's Challenge energized my acting career! As a content creator, I am more confident, consistent, and aware of what steps and platforms to dominate for my sketches. Instagram and Youtube have become a part of my acting team and I have even gotten responses already 1 week after the challenge from casting directors for target shows!

"I have seen growth every week applying what I’ve learned in class. Heidi helped me redo my YouTube Channel and I was featured by a comedy website! I was also chosen to be one of 16 actors admitted into the UCLA on-camera program….And I credit a lot of what she taught me in terms of presentation. They were looking for actors with some professional polish who want to go to the next level. This stuff works! I am feeling more ready than ever."

Charlie Newell

Social Media increases your visibility and helps you stand out in the most crowded business on the planet:


So…If you’re TIRED of spinning your wheels on social media and you want a proven system...

Feeling FRUSTRATED or INVISIBLE because you don’t know what to post...

and you’re DONE with not knowing how to connect with the people who can hire you...

It’s time to take control of your career!



  • When an actor comes across my plate and I've never heard of them... I Google you, I go on Facebook, I look you up on Twitter and Instagram. Social Media is so important! You need to have an online presence because there are so many people out there that are so good at it and are winning at having a social media presence. And it makes them appear bigger and more involved than they actually are. They create something out of nothing and make us pay attention.
    Benton Whitley Casting Director
  • If you don't put up [social media] pages you are missing out on one of the best, totally free PR devices available to actors. You are also rapidly becoming a member of the minority. So many actors and industry members are all over this. Actors have to decide if they want to prioritize stubbornness over success. If you are successful in this business you will have these pages….. If you won't take advantage of free services that have been proven to help actor's careers, what exactly is your commitment to this?
    Mark Sikes Casting Director
  • Creating your own content is not that new anymore, and it is not going away. It supports and elevates your résumé, and allows casting and production insight into your point of view. It provides you with control over how you want to be viewed and cast. Social media and social networking, no matter your age, is vital to building your career, And, if comedy is your niche, it is particularly crucial.
    Caroline Liem Casting Director
  • Networks and producers love when talent has a built-in audience (on social media). The larger audience that you can build (organically) will sweeten the deal after you have given an amazing audition.
    Jackie Reid Talent Manager
  • In this day and age, having a strong presence in/on social media is imperative to one's business – no matter if it's the actor representing him/herself or the casting director representing his/her office. Cultivating a positive, professional and "vital" online presence is key to: a) attracting people to your brand and b) getting industry people interested in what you are selling (which, by the way, we're all selling, all the time).
    Duncan Stewart Casting Director
  • And I think the actor is learning how to use social media to increase their fan base, which is really what Hollywood is all about. Now whenever I have to put a [casting] list together for someone, I have to include actors’ social media numbers. It’s crazy.
    Sheryl Levine Casting Director
  • Twitter, you ask? Do I HAVE to?! Yes, you do…. Not only do I use it for work (I interact with my community of actors and find new talent).
    Marci Liroff Casting Director
  • There is no question that today if you have good numbers on social media, you have become a better choice to be cast. It would behoove actors to generate a social media presence. If it came down to two professional actors, one of whom had great visibility in social media and one who was barely recognizable, we’d go with the one who could get the numbers.
    Mike Fenton Veteran Casting Director



  • Click the BUY button and complete your payment through Paypal or credit card. Super simple.
  • You'll get a confirmation email from me so you know you're #ReadyToRock!
  • I’ll send you an access link to your first video right away.
  • You can dive right into the challenge one week at a time to keep you focused and on-track!
  • 21 Days'll be a Social Rockstar!



Will I get personal feedback from Heidi?

Most definitely! The Private, Members-Only Facebook group is where you'll get direct access to me! I’ll host 3 Q & A sessions to answer your questions and quickly troubleshoot any little (or big) challenges standing in your way. It's also a fantastic place to tap into a thriving community of actors for new ideas, insights and inspiration.

What if I'm not on social media yet? Is this challenge too advanced for me?

You'll be just fine.  Many of my students have built all of their social media from scratch. For the #SocialNewbies I've created introductory videos to help you set up your accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat so we’ll all be on the same page.  You don't need to be tech-savvy to rock this challenge. If you can turn on your computer I’ll walk you step-by-step through my system. You’ll be all set up and using social media the RIGHT way in just three short weeks!

Can’t I just learn this info from blogs & YouTube videos?

Sure! But I've done the hard part for you. And remember most free content found online isn't made for actors, it's made for businesses. None of that content will give you the tools to create a simple, sustainable social media system for your acting career that actually works!

I just started acting, should I wait until I'm further ahead in my career to work on my social media?

No. In fact, you have a major advantage! Most actors who have been in the business for a while have not been keeping track of their relationships using social media. You can start now! This challenge will show you how to stay in touch with everyone you work with so that those relationships can lead to more work.

Will you be offering this challenge again in the future?

Possibly.... but I can’t guarantee the challenge will include the awesome Bonuses, the exclusive access to me in the Facebook Group or be at this low introductory price.

Do I need to show up live during the course?

The course is designed to be completed in 21 days, but you'll have lifetime access to all the materials so you can complete it at your own pace and on your own time.

What if I get busy and can't complete the course in 21 days?

Life happens. Auditions happen. I get it.... you have a busy #Actorslife. I would never want you to miss out simply because you fell a little behind. You'll have lifetime access to this course - and I've made it super simple for you to catch up on the videos across any and all of your devices


"Heidi has created an amazing powerful course. If I can do this, you surely can. I was only on Facebook when I started the Challenge and knew NOTHING about the other platforms. This class opened up a whole new world to me, something that I never thought I could understand or enjoy. You are going to love this!"

Nancy Sosnowski

"If you've ever felt like you have NOTHING to share on social media, the Social Rockstar Challenge will change all of that! Heidi introduced me to so many great ideas and FREE tools for posting! She made it FUN and easy to manage too! Plus there was the added bonus of meeting other actors who were taking the challenge as well."

Jordan Rice
Franco Lentini

"Heidi's classes to improve an actors marketing skills are priceless. She has taken the mystery out of Social Media for me and has instilled in me how important this is for an actor's career. Invaluable!!"

Franco Lentini

"Social Media was something I was already doing and enjoying but all the frequent updates created some uncertainty, which led to less use. Heidi helped me get back on track since she stays on top of the most up-to-date social media info.”

Shannon Ames

"The Challenge has opened up my eyes to so many possibilities for my future using social media. It's really insane how dope this course is. I've taken numerous social media courses that cost much more, yet they don't offer nearly as much comprehensive and actionable content. She's blowing away the competition with this one!! Heidi also has such a great way of making things fun simply by having fun herself as she teaches.  I haven't had this much fun with social ever.  Heidi has created something extremely special with this class. Take the #SocialRockstarChallenge for yourself! You will be so happy you did! Rock on Rockstars!!

"Since starting the Challenge I have seen a significant uptick in followers on both Instagram and Twitter, the two platforms I am focusing on.  I also have a plan for how to still be present on social media when I don't have an acting gig. AND I have a plan about how to grow my business using social media as well."

Rick Calvo
stephen mcnamee

"The Challenge truly helped demystify social media for me. It taught me how to market myself online and showed me step-by-step how to network and build relationships with people in the industry I want to know through social media. These are invaluable social media strategies that can help your career!"

"The Social Rockstar Challenge has been an overwhelming journey for me. It helped me grow as an artist and because I learned how to put the 'Me' in my social media it has helped me connect with my followers on a more personal level. Due to the useful advice that Heidi provides in her videos I now have a fan base with like-minded individuals, and the numbers only keep growing."

Nadin Kat

Rosalina Morris
Deloris Akins

"Since taking the Challenge I'm able to look at my social media with a whole different mindset. I’ve realized there is actually a system to the madness (lol).  Before the class, I had no clue what to post on social media. But thanks to Heidi I am super clear now!"

Deloris Akins