Take Control of your Acting Career Today!
Make new connections, create more audition opportunities and build your fanbase using social media!

Social media can be an amazing tool to help you network and build relationships with directors, writers, casting directors, producers and even fellow actors who you’d never have access to offline.
BUT you have to know how to use it correctly.

Social Media Success for Actors will help you...
- Learn what to never do on social media, and why. (If you get this wrong you will be unfollowed or blocked)
- Discover the secret to building lasting relationships with people in the business!
- Use the power of social media to research and meet the people you want to work with!
- Figure out how to showcase the unique YOU that they see in the audition room.
- Learn how to use social media to stay in touch with important contacts so can work with them over and over!
- Build a large community of quality followers to expand your networking potential!
- Discover the sneaky way to find auditions on twitter and facebook!
- Organize your social media accounts so that you can do more of what you love to do... ACT!
- Create interesting posts that people will like and share! More shares = more opportunities!
- And so much more!
Social Media Success for Actors contains 4 modules...

Plus these AWESOME Bonuses!

Social Media Cover Headers for Actors!
- Learn the 5 crucial components of an actor's header photo!
- Discover Heidi's secret for creating beautiful, professional-looking headers photos, cover photos and youtube channel art for actors!
- Follow Heidi’s simple video tutorials to create headers that make people want to follow you!
- Find out how to create the PERFECT sizes for ALL your profile and header images!
How To Target Your Dream Projects!
- How to pursue your dream TV show (with or without an agent)!
- Discover the best sites to find auditions and be your own agent!
Access To My Industry Twitter Lists....
- Casting Directors in Los Angeles
- Casting Directors in New York
- Regional and International Casting Directors
- Background Work Casting
- Casting Directors Who Regularly Post Audition Notices
- Film Festivals and Resources
- NY Headshot Photographers
- LA Headshot Photographers
- NY Theatre Publications & Resources
- LA Industry Publications & Resources
- and more....
Casting Director Website List
- Website/Blog addresses for over 200 Casting Directors (NY, LA, regional and international)
24/7/365 Access to Lessons!
You have access to the classroom 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on desktop or mobile. Take the course in your own time and at your own pace.
Lifetime Membership to the Class!
Social media is constantly changing. As it does, I update the class. As a student, you have access to these updates free of charge.

I'm in! How do I sign up?
Click the 'Add to Cart' button below for Instant Access to...
- Over 50 Step-By-Step Video Tutorials!
- The Private MEMBERS-ONLY Classroom
- All of the Bonus Materials!
- My Twitter Lists and Casting Director Website Lists!
For a Limited Time!

I'm Heidi Dean! A Social Media Marketing Strategist, Backstage Expert, Speaker, an Entrepreneur, a Dreamer, a Serious 'Doer' and founder of Marketing 4 Actors.
I’ve also been a professional actor since childhood. I majored in theatre at NYU. I’m a member of AEA and SAG. I’ve worked in both New York City and Los Angeles. I’ve had agents and managers. I’ve done voiceovers, print work, television, concerts and commercials and I’ve played principal roles in major national & international tours. I know firsthand what it takes to be an actor and I understand what it feels like to dream of being a successful, working one.
But I know dreaming isn’t enough. My mission is to turn dreamers into 'doers' by making online and social media marketing for actors simple! Taking charge of the business side of your career enables you to live the life of your dreams. Together we can make it happen. I can't wait to meet you in class!

Who's my teacher?

What are you waiting for?
Join the thousands of proactive actors who know social media is one of the best (totally free) PR tools available and are already using it to make connections, build relationships and book jobs!
(P.S. Remember you've got nothing to lose! Try it for 30 days! If it's not for you, I'll give you your money back)
For a Limited Time!