Let's Rock Your Social Media!

Your Social Media can attract more auditions, build real connections with industry professionals and you can run it in less than 10 minutes a day!

(Space is limited...Only 15 spots left!)


It's hard to know what to say on social media when you don't book consistently.
You don't know how to connect online with people who can hire you.
Your only engaged followers are your mom and your best friend from college. 
Social media feels overwhelming AND it changes all the time so it's hard to stay up-to-date.
You don't have time to figure it all out.

You are not alone...

Not a social media person!

"Honestly, I am not a social media person. I am not a selfie person. But I knew that as an actor, if I wanted to really take control of my career and build my audience and brand, then I'd have to do it myself. Heidi helped me ensure that everything I post online would be an honest extension of myself. She gave me amazing in-depth guidance about the best tools and strategies to use to optimize my efforts. I highly recommend her expertise for any actor that really wants to take control of their career."

Cesar Cross


This course removes the obstacles you face on social media helping you….

Know what to post even when you don't have a gig!
Attract more auditions, meetings and connections! 
Build a real following of people who care about your projects!
Become known and trusted by industry decision-makers!
Set up a social media strategy that will help you work smarter NOT harder!

The Complete Social Media Class for Actors
(Twitter, Instagram & Facebook)

**With direct access to Heidi in 3 BONUS Group Zoom calls!**


Branding & 1st Impressions

Bios, branding, headers and  finding your unique voice


What the heck do I post?

We'll cover posts, Stories, IG Reels, tweets and more... even when you haven't booked in a while.


Actor Social Media Essentials!

Insta-Takeovers, Live tweeting, Posting Guidelines & going LIVE!


Making Career Connections!

You'll create a social networking strategy & learn a system to organize your contacts to create more opportunities!


Grow your following!

A step-by-step guide to finding and growing your tribe on Twitter or Instagram!


(Schedule below)


Once you sign up you'll get immediate access to recorded ONLINE VIDEO TRAINING every week for the next 5 weeks. You get LIFETIME ACCESS to this training so watch it every week OR watch it on your own schedule. On 3 dates we'll meet as a group on Zoom to review your social media bios, posting plan and answer your questions in class (see schedule below)!

Can't make the LIVE calls? No problem! They’ll be recorded. You can submit your social media bios and questions ahead of time and I'll review/answer them on the calls.


*LIVE CALL #1:  Thursday, July 8th (12pmPT/ 3pmET)

*LIVE CALL #2:  Thursday, July 22nd (10amPT/ 1pmET)

*LIVE CALL #3:  Thursday, August 5th (12pmPT/ 3pmET)

Who's teaching this class?

ME- Heidi Dean! THE Social Media Strategist for Actors!

And guess what? I used to hate social media!

No joke! This emoji-obsessed, TikTok-loving, IG Reels-Pointing, #TwitterAddict hated hashtags and thought social media was a waste of time. I didn't see how it could help any actor's career.


I’m the industry’s top social media expert for actors. I write about social media for Backstage Magazine and speak about it for SAG-AFTRA, AEA and at film festivals, on podcasts, acting schools and universities across the country.

I know social media can skyrocket careers because I’ve built followings and created ROCKSTAR social media strategies for Broadway Stars, Emmy Award-winners, musicians, directors, producers, filmmakers and actors just like you.

I created The Social Rockstar Challenge to teach YOU how you can use the power of social media to open more doors for your acting career.

And now I'm excited to help you personally in this exclusive session of the Social Rockstar Challenge so you can finish 2021 off right!

And if that wasn't awesome enough...

You ALSO get these sweet BONUSES!

BONUS: Twitter AND Instagram @Username Lists for 1000+ Casting Directors, Agents, Producers, Directors and Filmmakers!

I've created a comprehensive collection of Twitter AND Instagram @usernames for over 1000 industry professionals in LA, NY, regionally and internationally! These guides save you tons of time and help you get on the radar of the people you WANT to know!

BONUS: "Intro to Social Media" Video Series

If you don't know the basics you can’t implement a successful Social media strategy! My Intro to Social Media Series takes you from sign up to set-up on Twitter, Instagram (including InstaStories) and will help you solve the BIG question: "Should I have a Facebook Page or Profile?"! This BONUS gives you the foundation you need to totally rock the challenge!

BONUS: Social Media Icebreakers Guide

In addition to the 100+ post ideas you'll already get in WEEK 2, you'll get my Social Media Icebreakers Guide! This bonus contains 400+ fun questions to ask your followers that'll break the ice and get conversations going!

BONUS: Posting Makeover Guide

Ever worry your posts sound pushy or self-promotional? My Social Makeover Guide gives you before and after examples of how you can transform your posts from “look at ME, ME, ME" to a WE.

What My Students Say...

"When I started your course I was just around 2K followers on Instagram- I just hit 10,000. Plus I never run out of ideas to post anymore and I’m excited about it because they’re all the things I like so much! I haven't had this much fun with social media...like ever. Take the #SocialRockstarChallenge for yourself! You will be so happy you did! Rock on Rockstars!!"

Shannon Ames

"The Social Rockstar Challenge is an amazing program to be a part of! Within just the first 2 weeks, I have received more traffic to my social media accounts than ever before and have made A LOT more connections. One of those connections helped me book a stunt gig for an upcoming feature film!! This is a challenge you don’t want to miss!!"

Brian E. Neal

"My mind is blown! There is so much value jam-packed into this course. From the posting ideas and hashtag shortcuts, to finally understanding how to connect with people I want to know on social media. I am super excited to finally get a solid handle on how to take advantage of social media in an effective and efficient way. If you want to learn how to rock your social media presence, I can't recommend the Challenge highly enough."

Amy Russ

"Thanks to the challenge I don't dread posting anymore. I'm actually excited and inspired to post! AND I don't feel overwhelmed to respond back to people now that I have a schedule of when to do it. I know how important social media is when it comes to being on a show. I was a lead in a TV movie but it didn't matter. They didn't use me as much in the PR for the show because I didn’t have the followers. I learned my lesson. I'm on it now with confidence thanks to the Challenge. Thank you so much Heidi."

Chrystee Pharris

"Heidi’s Social Rockstar Challenge has completely blown me away! Before the challenge, social media felt overwhelming and I had no idea what an incredible tool it could be in my acting career.  Every lesson was filled with tips, tools and secrets, and laid out in bite-sized chunks that even I, as a (prior) social media novice, could wrap my head around.  I am now empowered with what, when, why and how to post, and my network is growing!  I can't recommend this course highly enough-- for actors or for anyone who wants to build a following for their business.  It works!!! Thank you Heidi!"

Heather Hiatt

"I always thought I was GREAT with social media until I met Heidi and she took my social media game to a whole new level. Within days she gave all my platforms a social media make over that allowed me to post with confidence. And then she did it AGAIN…with her Instagram stories training. Mind. Blown. As long as social media continues to change, I’ll keep coming back to Heidi. She always has the latest and greatest — and super easy tips for keeping it up with social media.”

DaJuan Johnson

 FINALLY! There's a cure for your #SocialHeadache!

(PLUS it's $100 off for the SUMMER SOCIAL MEDIA SALE until the final 15 spots are gone!)

Choose your payment plan below:


ONLY $397

Regular Price $497

Social Rockstar Challenge Course + 3 LIVES with Heidi Dean

The Complete Social Rockstar Challenge Training for Actors!
Lifetime Access to the class (including future updates)!
3 BONUS GROUP LIVE calls over Zoom with Heidi
Checklists, Resources, & Worksheets to help you do the work!
BONUS: Intro to Social Media Video Series
BONUS: Twitter AND Instagram Lists for 1000+ Industry Professionals!
BONUS: Social Media Icebreakers Guide
BONUS: Posting Makeover Guide


3 Payments of $140

Social Rockstar Challenge Course + 3 LIVES with Heidi Dean

The Complete Social Rockstar Challenge Training for Actors!
Lifetime Access to the class (including future updates)!
3 BONUS LIVE calls over Zoom with Heidi
Checklists, Resources, & Worksheets to help you do the work!
BONUS: Intro to Social Media Video Series
BONUS: Twitter AND Instagram Lists for 1000+ Industry Professionals!
BONUS: Social Media Icebreakers Guide
BONUS: Posting Makeover Guide

You still reading?

"Heidi transformed the way I view social media in my life. You took me from someone posting for myself alone to someone who was engaging his followers. I now know how to engage my audience in a way that invites interaction and also represents my best self. My followers practically doubled, and my confidence went through the roof. Your daily videos were so clear and the resources you gave out to us all are amazing. Your class has been one of the best investments in my acting career.”

Joseph Narducci


"If you've ever felt like you have NOTHING to share on social media, the Social Rockstar Challenge will change all of that! Heidi introduced me to so many great ideas and FREE tools for posting! She made it FUN and easy to manage too! Plus there was the added bonus of meeting other actors who were taking the challenge as well."

Jordan Rice

"Heidi's Challenge energized my acting career! As a content creator, I am more confident, consistent, and aware of what steps and platforms to dominate for my sketches. Instagram and Youtube have become a part of my acting team and I have even gotten responses already 1 week after the challenge from casting directors for target shows!"

Ben Jacob

I'm completely blown away!

"Heidi has become my hands down go-to expert for all things social media!! I have never taken a course that added so much instant value and so many actionable game-changing steps! During the Social Rockstar Challenge, I marveled at how Heidi was able to provide such vast knowledge, strategies, and resources; package it all in such an easy to understand, concise and engaging way; and then offer it to us at such a low steal of a price! I'm completely BLOWN AWAY and so GRATEFUL for her savvy marketing tips and huge heart to help actors succeed! I have learned so much. This class will take my social media to the next level and my acting career to new heights! THANKS HEIDI! I will definitely be back to take your other courses!!"

Morgan Steinhart

"Since starting the Challenge I have seen a significant uptick in followers on both Instagram and Twitter, the two platforms I am focusing on.  I also have a plan for how to still be present on social media when I don't have an acting gig. AND I have a plan about how to grow my business using social media as well."

Rick Calvo

"Social Media was something I was already doing and enjoying but all the frequent updates created some uncertainty, which led to less use. Heidi helped me get back on track since she stays on top of the most up-to-date social media info.”

Heather Horton

"The Challenge truly helped demystify social media for me. It taught me how to market myself online and showed me step-by-step how to network and build relationships with people in the industry I want to know through social media. These are invaluable social media strategies that can help your career!"

Stephen McNamee  

Direct booking from Twitter! 

"Since taking the Challenge we’ve increased Quincy's Twitter followers and industry connections and her Instagram, has really taken off! Quincy also booked a role in her first feature film that was a direct booking through a director that she networked with on twitter! I can't speak highly enough of this course.  But don't take my word for it, take Quincy's word for it:

'I'm not going to lie, I thought I knew EVERYTHING about Instagram and how to get people to follow me, notice me, and  help my manager get my name and face out to the right people. Guess what, I don't know everything, and Heidi does.'

Thank you Heidi!! You are the real deal and a game changer!!"

Kenna (Mom of Quincy Saadeh)

"Heidi Dean is an expert at Social Media Marketing for Actors. Her programs are powerful and teach actors how to make a strong professional impact. I highly recommend Heidi to actors around the world who want to be competitive in the industry."

Wendy Alane Wright

(Former Talent Manager & Top Acting Career Coach)

"Heidi has created an amazing, powerful course. If I can do this, you surely can. I was only on Facebook when I started the Challenge and knew NOTHING about the other platforms. This class opened up a whole new world to me, something that I never thought I could understand or enjoy. You are going to love this!"

Nancy Sosnowski

"There is nobody better for social media training than Heidi Dean. Nobody. Plus, you will never meet a kinder human being on planet Earth."

Dallas Travers

The numbers keep growing!

"The Social Rockstar Challenge has been an overwhelming journey for me. It helped me grow as an artist and because I learned how to put the 'Me' in my social media it has helped me connect with my followers on a more personal level. Due to the useful advice that Heidi provides in her videos I now have a fan base with like-minded individuals, and the numbers only keep growing."

Nadin Kat

My Personal 10-DAY Money Back Guarantee

The SOCIAL ROCKSTAR CHALLENGE comes with a money-back guarantee. You have 10 full days to dive into the Challenge risk free. If you decide this program is not for you, I'll give you your money back - no questions asked. Yep, not only is this program a colossal value, it’s RISK FREE.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not on social media yet? Is this challenge too advanced for me?

You'll be fine.  Many of my students have built all of their social media from scratch. For my #SocialNewbies I've created introductory videos to help you set up your accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. You don't need to be tech-savvy to rock this challenge. If you can turn on your computer I’ll walk you through the system step-by-step. You’ll be set up and using social media the RIGHT way in just three short weeks!

Will I get personal feedback from Heidi? 

YES! This SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION of the Social Rockstar Challenge (not only has a SWEET DISCOUNT) but it also includes 3 LIVE calls with me to answer YOUR specific questions. I'll be there to cheer you on and offer guidance along the way. And if you can't make any of the BONUS live calls, you can submit your questions ahead of time AND to watch the replays to hear your answer. 

Can’t I just learn this info from blogs & YouTube videos?

Maybe, but it'll take years of trial and error to piece it all together. Most free social media content online is made for businesses, not actors and no blog or video will give you the tools you need to create a simple, sustainable social media system for your acting career that actually works!

I just started acting, should I wait until I'm further ahead in my career to work on my social media?

No. In fact, you have a major advantage! Most actors who have been in the business for a while have not been keeping track of their relationships. You can start building and nurturing yours from the beginning! This challenge shows you how to stay in touch with everyone you work with so those relationships can lead to more work.

Do I need to show up live during the course?

You'll get access to online video trainings the minute you sign up. You can watch them on your own time and at your own pace. Then we'll meet for those 3 LIVE CALLS (see schedule above). If you can't make the call that week, no problem! You can submit your question ahead of time and watch the replay to hear your answer.

You'll also have lifetime access to everything so you can complete it at your own pace anytime.

Have a question not answered here? 

Click here to contact Heidi directly for an answer! 

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