Build your audience. Make connections. Make an impact!

Still guessing at Instagram™?

If you're spending hours trying to figure out what to post and how to grow an audience for your acting career...

...I totally get it.

It's frustrating! Instagram's always changing and your follower numbers stay the same!


You're wasting your time.

Instead of trying to figure out Instagram you could be working on what you really love - Acting.

After all, you're not a professional Instagram marketer.

You're an ACTOR.


I’ve figured Instagram™ out...

(Including Stories and  REELS)

...and so have 1,000's of actors I've taught.

Now it's your turn...
Let's FINALLY set you up for InstaSuccess!

Introducing InstaActor!

For actors who want to build an audience, make more connections and make an impact on Instagram™

(without the Insta-Headache)

"I always thought I was GREAT with social media until I met Heidi and she took my social media game to a whole new level. Within days she gave all my platforms a social media make over that allowed me to post with confidence. And then she did it AGAIN…with her Instagram stories training. Mind. Blown. As long as social media continues to change, I'll keep coming back to Heidi. She always has the latest and greatest -- and super easy tips for keeping it up with social media."

DaJuan Johnson

(Emmy-Nominated actor, Bosch, Suits, Grey's Anatomy)

Here's what you'll learn...

MODULE 1 - The Insta-Essentials

To grow a following or make connections on Instagram™ you need a solid foundation!

To start, I take you, step-by-step, from sign-up to set-up, on Instagram™ and Stories. Even if you’re not an #Insta-newbie, you’ll learn how to make the most of every feature.
You'll learn the secret to creating posts that balance your public and private lives and create a message that connects with and attracts followers.
You'll discover how to create a unique "visual voice" for your grid that makes people want to follow you (and tell their friends)!
BONUS: If you're a multi-hyphenate wondering if you need separate accounts for your talents and projects, your answer is here!

MODULE 2 - Make an impact!

You only have a few seconds to make a first impression on Insta. But no worries! In MODULE 2 you'll learn....

How to optimize your profile for Insta-Success!
The secret to creating a bio that attracts (and keeps) more followers.
How to keep your audience engaged with tons of content ideas (no more scratching your head, wondering what to say).
Over 100 post ideas and examples for when you’re booking and when you're not.
WHEN to post, WHAT time of day and HOW often (This may surprise you).
My "Compelling Caption Formula" that gets your followers engaging.
My favorite apps to make your posts POP (even if you stink at taking photos).

MODULE 3 - InstaStories and REELS!

This past year the party has 1000% moved to Stories and Reels! But MOST actors either don't use these features or don't use them CORRECTLY. That makes it SUPER easy for you to stand out! You'll discover...

InstaStory basics so you'll never have to ask "What does that button do?" PLUS, how to use Stickers, Filters and Polls (Oh my!) 
How often to post on InstaStories vs. your grid!
50+ Instagram Story Ideas just for actors!
BONUS: MY 'IG REELS MASTERCLASS' so you can use the new IG Reels feature to show us your talents and grow your account!!

MODULE 4 - Insta-Connections

Instagram is a fantastic tool for networking and building relationships with directors, writers, casting directors, producers and actors you’d never have access to offline….IF you use it correctly. Module 4 explores how you can...

Connect directly with the people who can hire you and know what to say (and when to say it
Stay “top-of-mind” with the people you already know. More connections = more auditions = more jobs!
Stand out and get noticed by the people you want to work with.
What NOT to do on Instagram and why getting this wrong could get you blocked or unfollowed.

MODULE 5 - Build Your Audience!

To increase your visibility, influence, and engagement you don't need an insta-perfect life. You just need a strategy. Module 5 breaks down the follower growth strategies that work on Instagram RIGHT NOW. You'll learn how to...

Find your audience among millions of Instagram users.
Use hashtags to attract the right people to your page and avoid the spambots.
Use collaborations, InstaStories and takeovers to boost your growth.
Get more followers everyday using my 'Engage and Grow' system!

Hi! I'm Heidi Dean!

Your social media strategist for actors, the author of the bestselling book 'Social Media for Actors: 100 Essential Tips to Grow, Thrive & Survive Online' and creator of InstaActor!

I see you, my friend. You switch from self-tapes…to to acting life. And when your #actorhustle is finally done, you plop down on the couch ready for some well-earned R&R until you realize “Oh 💩 I’ve gotta post something on Instagram."

You start scrolling through your photos, desperate for something that'll get more than your last post.

...51 minutes later, you’re finally putting the finishing touches on your caption, hitting publish, and adding random hashtags (#OverIt).

But the likes and comments don’t come pouring in like you hoped they would.

And 24 hours later…. it's INSTAGRAM groundhog day all over again.

Sound familiar?

Instagram was fun when you could post whatever you wanted but, now that it's part of your ‘actor marketing,’ it’s a big pain in the butt.

But, not anymore. I’ve created a simple system that helps you build your audience, make connections and make an impact on Instagram (even if you stink at taking photos)!

It's the same system I've used to help Emmy Award-winners, Broadway stars, recording artists, directors, producers, filmmakers and actors just like you, go from feeling "crappy" to "happy" about Instagram.

If you're an actor who wants to finally conquer Instagram™, InstaActor is your new best friend!

See you in class!

Here's what folks are saying....

So much fun! 

"When I started your course I was just around 2K followers on Instagram- I just hit 10,000. Plus I never run out of ideas to post anymore and I’m excited about it because they’re all the things I like so much! I haven’t had this much fun with social media…like ever. 

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!"

Shannon Ames

Actress - DJ - Voice Actor

Nobody better!

There is nobody better for social media training than Heidi Dean. Nobody. Plus, you will never meet a kinder human being on planet Earth.”

Dallas Travers


Thank you Heidi! Through what you taught me about promoting myself on social Media I booked a SAG series!  I followed the casting director on Instagram and he got to see my nice guy boy next door brand. He brought me in to audition and I booked the role. Thank you so much!

Nate Francis

"Sign up now!"

 “Heidi Dean is a Social Media Genius & her class has been EYE OPENING! I've already seen an incredible turnaround in my social media following & engagement. I'm so happy I invested in Heidi Dean's InstaActor Course, my entire view of the social media game has turned upside down! Sign up NOW! It's worth EVERY penny and you WON'T regret it!”


"Completely changed the game for me"

"Before I took InstaActor, I was "throwing spaghetti at the wall." I would just pick random things to post, not thinking about who my audience was or if I was actually providing anything of substance. Heidi's class took the "guesswork" away and completely changed the game for me. Now, not only am I getting more followers and engagement from my posts, but I'm truly enjoying the process, PLUS I'm building new relationships with other people in the industry

I was even approached by a producer to have a general meeting because of my Instagram - incredible! Heidi's course is fool-proof. You will walk away with a social media plan that is easy and effective. EVERY actor should take the InstaActor course."

Jenn Nobile - Actress

Enroll today to get these 4 Exclusive Bonuses...


Instagram List for 600+ Industry Pros!

A comprehensive collection of Instagram usernames for 600+ casting directors, agents, managers, producers, filmmakers and directors. This list will save you tons of research time so you can spend more time building relationships.


NEW BONUS: 100+ Post Ideas for the Feed, Stories & Reels!

Find yourself asking 'What the heck do I post?!?' everyday? This BONUS guide has 100+ post ideas you can use to connect with your followers. These posts can be used on the feed, stories, even REELS! Stop struggling- start posting!


 InstaStory Templates
for Actors

InstaStories are one of the best ways to stay 'top of mind' with your followers. This Insta-bonus gives you step-by-step Story templates (and some cool pro tips) to help you create engaging Stories every time.


Ultimate REELS Checklist

This brand new bonus shows you how to rock your reels step-by-step. You'll learn REELS 101 so you know exactly how to create one. PLUS you'll learn how to use REELS to showcase your unique talents & personality. I also share the REELS secrets that help me get more views & followers every single day.  

Choose your payment plan...

Pay-in-full Discount



Flexible Monthly 3-Payment Plan



10-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee

InstaActor comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You have 10 full business days from purchase to dive into the class risk free. If you decide this program is not for you, I'll give you your money back - no questions asked. Yup, not only is this program an awesome value, it’s RISK FREE.

More Love from Heidi's Students...

"Heidi’s class energized my acting career! As a content creator, I am more confident, consistent, and aware of what steps and platforms to dominate for my sketches. Instagram and Youtube have become a part of my acting team and I have even gotten responses already 1 week after the class from casting directors for target shows!”


"InstaActor was worth the investment and then some. I’ve paid for a couple of other IG trainings that weren’t nearly as personal or specific, and my number of followers tended to just sit stagnant. I’m so glad to be on the right track now. Heidi’s training is full of tips on how to be authentic and personal in growing your Instagram following in a way that will last. She also addresses technical questions on navigating Instagram itself, and is very generous with bonus suggestions for editing apps, taking great pictures and creative story ideas. The best part? She just genuinely cares about us performers. Thank you so much, Heidi!


“As a working actor who has been in the business for 30 years I have learned that in order to survive you must learn to adapt to the constantly changing landscape of the entertainment industry. Being just a good actor is no longer good enough. You must have an understanding of how the latest digital marketing and social media tools are being used and how you can apply them to establish your brand, connect with your audience, and network with the people in position who can help you get the kind of work you have been dreaming of. Heidi Dean’s InstaActor course gives you that understanding and so much more. InstaActor is the most comprehensive, entertaining, and informative class I have ever taken on social media. She covers EVERYTHING on Instagram from top to bottom. No stone is left unturned. Heidi is a fantastic teacher with a clear approach that makes learning this stuff fun. Couldn’t recommend it more!! Thank you Heidi!”



"Thanks to Heidi not only have I learned how to use social media to advance my acting career, but I have stopped being shy online and I’ve started to post things that I thought were impossible. I have acquired many more followers and I’m gaining strength in my acting career! The great thing about Heidi is that she takes her classes seriously and establishes a connection with her students (unlike some people out there just out to get money from actors) Heidi actually cares about us! Thanks so much."



"InstaActor is the second training I’ve taken with Heidi and I cannot say enough about how the classes have changed the way I view social media. The videos are fun and informative, and Heidi is so personable you feel like you’re just sitting down to coffee with a friend. I constantly remember her words of wisdom as I craft social posts or work on my posting schedule. I send her name to everyone I know, and not only have her classes supported me, but Heidi is constantly cheering me on! InstaActor and the Social Rockstar Challenge are two of the best investments I’ve made as an actor."



"InstaActor helped me give my Instagram the makeover it deserves! I've had an interest in the platform, but could never wrap my head around it and fumbled may way through. After taking this class, I now feel confident in my ability to create posts, engage with others, and grow my following. I've already come a long way, and it's all thanks to Heidi! Looking forward to taking another course soon!"

Kevin Liberty

My relationship with using Facebook and Instagram was fairly advanced because one of my day jobs was working at an advertising agency. However, promoting businesses vs. actor businesses are very different. InstaActor helped me address all of this - and showed me step by step how to market myself as an actor. I can't thank you enough for this comprehensive and fabulous learning experience. 

Plus today I woke up to a request for a Directors meeting for a supporting role in a feature film...because of an Instagram post! Thank you SO much for all you do!"

Katherine Partington

Actress - Producer

"As a new VO talent and on-camera actor, this class helped me figure out how to pursue the 'business' of my career the right way. Before InstaActor, I never knew what hashtags to put on my posts but now I do. AND I am gaining more followers. If you want to start marketing yourself and boost your acting career, Heidi Dean is the person that you want to turn to! 

The InstaActor course really helped me attract the right people for my acting career. It’s more than worth the price and definitely worth your time. Thank you again Heidi!"

Heath Miller


"Heidi Dean You Are Amazing!!! Thank You!!! Because of the course I'm clearer on how to visually uplevel my acting brand, build my following and become an influencer on Instagram. 

I've taken courses on social media for actors (from a very well known casting director and very well known actor) but neither of them had your "secret sauce.” Since the class, I am blown away by the replies coming from new people who are seeing my posts. 

Your method works and you rock Heidi."

Cynthia Pope


"I can't say enough about the InstaActor program! Thanks to Heidi's class I have been able to streamline my social media to reach my acting career goals. The content on my page is intentional and geared towards making meaningful connections. As actors we are constantly asked to create our own content and this is something that I have struggled with. But after watching the Instagram Reels Training I’ve been able to upload my own content on a regular basis and put my hashtag knowledge to good use for the purpose of obtaining followers and visibility. This program was worth the investment and I recommend it wholeheartedly if you are serious about growing an engaged following online as an actor!"

Irma Cadiz

"Social media always seemed too overwhelming and I'd get frustrated and give up, but Heidi broke it all down into small, actionable steps. InstaActor helped demystify social media for me. 

If you’re an actor who needs help with your social media, I highly recommend taking this class!"

Rachanee Lumayno

Actress, Voiceover Artist, Writer

"Taking the InstaActor course was a great decision on my part because the cost of the course is well below the value.  The course material is well structured, professionally presented and goes far beyond anything available by ANY other social media guru. Plus it specifically addresses the needs of ACTORS! Awesome! My only regret about the InstaActor course is that I didn’t take it sooner."

Tommy Kendrick


"I'm so thankful for this course!  I HATED social media and would spend countless hours trying to come up with something to post. When nothing came, I just gave up and would go months without posting. I even contemplated deleting my IG account. I came across Heidi on Instagram and I instantly gravitated to her warm, genuine personality and her extensive knowledge.  This course made social media FUN for me and waaaay more consistent.  With all of the hacks, shortcuts and new knowledge, it saved me lots of time, especially having pre-researched hashtags and using scheduling apps. You think you know social media, but you really don't until you take this course. I highly recommend it!"

Jessica Boss

Top Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not on Instagram™ yet? Is this too advanced for me?

You'll be fine. For my #InstaNewbies I've created an introductory video to help you learn all the Instagram basics (for your grid and InstaStories). And, you don't need to be tech-savvy to rock this class...I walk you through everything step-by-step. 

Can’t I just learn this info from blogs & YouTube videos?

Possibly, but it'll take you TONS of time (and lots of trial and error) to sort through and piece it all together. Most free, online social media content will tell you WHAT you need to do but not HOW and most of it is made for businesses, not actors. Instagram is constantly changing so you'll find a lot of contradictory and outdated content out there too. InstaActor gives you the tools you need to create a simple, sustainable Instagram strategy for your acting career that actually works! No blog or video can do that.

Will I get personal feedback from Heidi?

InstaActor is a DIY course but has checkpoints along the way to connect with me and show me your work on Instagram. I'll be there to cheer you on and offer guidance on your journey to Insta-Success. 

Do I need to show up live during the course?

Nope. InstaActor is a self-guided course. You'll have lifetime access to everything so you can complete it at your own pace anytime, anywhere. PLUS you'll get access to updates!

Are you still reading? 

Here are some more student success stories...

Her courses are a must for actors!

"Heidi, has brought confidence, fun and so much amazing energy to social media. Not only has she helped my daughter, a budding young actress, but also my own brand. Her courses are a must for actors! She makes you feel less overwhelmed and makes the steps so easy. We have been making so many more connections because of everything she's helped us with. We absolutely adore her!”

Khadija (mom of Teen Actress Matinah Pender)

The course has taken away all my frustration.

"InstaActor really helped me dial into WHAT and HOW to post for my acting career. I have been using IG for years, but it became pretty clear that I didn't know how to use it. The course has taken away all my frustration. One of the most exciting growth areas has been connecting with people I want to work with in the business.  How you teach the concept of "Push vs. Pull Marketing" is a mountain of gold and it's working. Thanks for all your help and encouragement along the way!

Neil Green

I am now CRUSHING my Reels!

"I knew I wanted to use Insta for my career but I didn’t know how. Heidi’s course has made my social media life easier and less frustrating. Learning how to organize my industry contacts is the most helpful part of the course for me. It’s even helped me with my career goals and priorities, which is very empowering. Learning how to plan my posts in advance and batch create content has also been a LIFE SAVER! And I am now crushing my REELS! I’ve gained followers and I’m continuing to gain the RIGHT followers everyday."

Grace Perez

I'm creating a sense of social media community!

"So much of the work in class resonates with me as a human. Before Covid, I thought Insta was a wasteland of people showing off fake lives. Fake experiences. Only the good and none of the struggle that's actually human.  I've decided (using so much of what I learned) to feature my life in all of its truth - the good, bad, and the ugly. I don't feel limited by my own silly thoughts of "no one wants to see this." 

I've already had so many great responses and engagement just from adding the tiniest calls to action. Wow. People that vibe with me, vibe with my posts and that is all I really wanted. To create a sense of social media community. To feel less alone in the experience of being an artist and a human. Thank you Heidi!!!!!"

Felipe Figueroa

I'm getting new followers every time I post! 

"InstaActor has made me feel more confident about posting on Instagram. I was always jealous of the really cool posts I was seeing other people make, but now I know how I can make mine just as good and get eyeballs on them too. The hashtag training in class is so helpful! Since changing my hashtags I've had production companies, actors and casting directors start following me. And I'm getting new followers every time I post from all over the world. It's been so fun!"

I'm blown away!

"Heidi is a true expert in social media. I learned so much about marketing myself on Instagram and how to get focused with my personal brand. I've already made several connections with people who I'd love to work with. Heidi guides you through every single step and explains everything in depth. I would highly recommend the InstaActor course to anyone who seriously wants to take their social media to the next level. I'm blown away!"

Chloe Nicole


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